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  • C = Good
  • With obvious wear
  • D = Fair
  • Possibly parts missing
  • E = Poor
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  • NB = Loose
  • No box or packaging

Britains Soldiers vintage Price Guide

Showing model numbers 1-9

Britains Soldiers vintage - 1 - Life Guards Set - Without cloaks
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 1N - Boy Scout - N Range
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 1hh - Infantry of the Line - HH Series - 83mm
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 1m - The Life Guards - M Series - 47mm
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 2 - The Royal Horse Guards - Blues
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 2N - East Kent Regiment Soldier - N Range
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 2hh - Foot Guards - HH Series - 83mm
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 2m - The Scots Greys - M Series - 47mm
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 3 - 5th Dragoon Guards - Princess Charlotte of Wale
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 3N - East Kent Regiment Soldier - N Range
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 3hh - Highlanders - HH Series - 83mm
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 3m - British Cavalry - Khaki Peak Cap - M Series - 47mm
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 4N - Cowboy - N Range - crouching
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 4h - Infantry of the Line - H Series - 70mm
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 4hh - Assorted Box - 4 Each 1hh, 2hh, 3hh - HH Series - 83mm
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 5N - Cowboy - N Range - On Foot
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 5h - Foot Guards - H Series - 70mm
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 5m - The Hussars - M Series - 47mm
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 6N - Cowboy - N Range - Standing
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 6h - Highlanders - H Series - 70mm
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 7 - 7th Royal Fusiliers - Various
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 7N - Highlander - N Range
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 8 - 4th Queen's Own Hussars - Various
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 8N - Highlander - N Range
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Britains Soldiers vintage - 9N - British Infantry - N Range - kneeling
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Britains Soldiers vintage
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