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Triang Minic Price Guide

Showing model numbers 1-83

Triang Minic tinplate and plastic toys. Triang a company owned by Lines Brothers introduced the Minic range in 1935. Under the Minic label toys were produced until 1971 when Lines Brothers went into liquidation.

Triang Minic Price Guide Model Numbers Show/Hide
Triang Minic - 1 - Jeep - Khaki
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Triang Minic - M002 - Austin Healey 100/6 - Red/Cream
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Triang Minic - M003 - MGA - Red
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Triang Minic - M5 - Ford Zephyr - Open top - Pale Blue
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Triang Minic - M5 - Ford Zephyr - Saloon - Cream
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Triang Minic - 11M - Tractor - Red (BPW)
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Triang Minic - 13M - Racer No1 - Red/Green
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Triang Minic - M15 - Austin Metropolitan Taxi - Black
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Triang Minic - 25Y - BRS Open Lorry - Red
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Triang Minic - 25M - Delivery Lorry - Green/Red
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Triang Minic - 29M - Traffic Control Car - Blue/Green Base
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Triang Minic - 31M - Fuel Tanker - Red/Green (Fwd Control)
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Triang Minic - 31M - Petrol Tank Lorry - Red/Blue
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Triang Minic - 31M - Mechanical Horse and Fuel Trailer - Red/Green - BP
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Triang Minic - 32M - Dust Cart Lorry - Blue/Red
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Triang Minic - M34 - Canoe & Trailer Accessory Set - Grey/Yellow
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Triang Minic - 60MV - Double Decker Bus - Clockwork - Red
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Triang Minic - 72M - Brewery Lorry - Red/Green (Forward Control)
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Triang Minic - 72M - Brewery Lorry - Red/Red (Forward Control)-
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Triang Minic - 73M - Articulated Cable Lorry - Red/Green
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Triang Minic - 73M - Articulated Cable Lorry - Green/Green
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Triang Minic - 74M - Articulated Log Lorry - Red/Blue
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Triang Minic - 74M - Articulated Log Lorry - Red/Green
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Triang Minic - 74M - Log Lorry (Standard Cab) - Red/Blue
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Triang Minic - 83M - Farm Tractor - Red (Plastic Hubs)
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Triang Minic
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